NOIRLab IRAF Documentation
Introductory Materials
A Beginner’s Guide to Using IRAF IRAF Version 2.10, Jeannette Barnes, August 1993.
A User's Introduction to the IRAF Command Languate (Version 2.3), Peter MB Shames, Doug Tody, August 1986.
Preliminary Test Procedure for IRAF(IRAF Version 2.11), Jeannette Barnes, revised September 1997.
An Introductory User’s Guide to IRAF Scripts, revised by Rob Seaman, September 1989.
IRAF Fits Kernel User's Guide, Nelson Zarate, August 1997.
Installation and Site Manager's Guides
PC-IRAF V2.12 Installation Guide, Doug Tody and Michael Fitzpatrick, Revised May 2002.
SunOS/Solaris IRAF V2.12 Installation Guide, Doug Tody and Michael Fitzpatrick, Revised May 2002.
UNIX/IRAF V2.12 Site Manager’s Guide, Doug Tody and Michael Fitzpatrick, Revised May 2002.
IRIX/IRAF Installation Guide, Steve Rooke, Doug Tody, Mike Fitzpatrick, June 1989 (Revised July 1992).
Cookbooks and Guides
A Reference Manual for the IRAF System Interface, Doug Tody, 1984.
A User's Guide to CCD Reductions with IRAF, Philip Massey, February 1997.
A User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF, Phil Massey, Frank Valdes, Jeannette Barnes, April 1992.
A User's Guide to Reducing Echelle Spectra With IRAF, Daryl Willmarth and Jeannette Barnes, May 1994.
Guide to the Multifiber Reduction Task DOFIBERS, Francisco Valdes, July 1995.
Guide to the HYDRA Reduction Task DOHYDRA, Francisco Valdes, July 1995.
Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOSLIT, Francisco Valdes, February 1993.
Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOECSLIT, Francisco Valdes, February 1993.
A User's Guide to Stellar CCD Photometry with IRAF, Philip Massey and Lindsey Davis, April 1992.
Specifications for the Aperture Photometry Package, Lindsey Davis, revised October 1987.
A Reference Guide to the IRAF/DAOPHOT Package, Lindsey E. Davis, January 1994.
Photometry Using IRAF, Lisa A. Wells, February 1994.
Rectifying and Registering Images Using IRAF, Lisa A. Wells, April 1994.
Cleaning Images of Bad Pixels and Cosmic Rays Using IRAF, Lisa A. Wells and David J. Bell, September 1994.
CCD Reductions (Including Mosaics)
A User's Guide to CCD Reductions with IRAF, Philip Massey, February 1997.
User’s Guide to the CCDRED Package, Francisco Valdes, February 1987 (Revised March 1988).
The IRAF CCD Reduction Package (CCDRED), Francisco Valdes, September 1987.
Programming Guides
A User’s Guide to Fortran Programming in IRAF The IMFORT Interface, Doug Tody, September 1986.
Specifying Pixel Directories with IMFOR, Doug Tody, June 1989.
An Introductory User’s Guide to IRAF Scripts, revised by Rob Seaman, September 1989.
An Introductory User’s Guide to IRAF SPP Programming, Rob Seaman, October 1992.
CL Programmer’s Manual, Elwood Downey, Douglas Tody, George H. Jacoby, December 1982 (Revised September 1983).
Photometry Using IRAF, Lisa A. Wells, February 1994.
A User's Guide to CCD Reductions with IRAF, Philip Massey, February 1997.
A User's Guide to Stellar CCD Photometry with IRAF, Philip Massey and Lindsey Davis, April 1992.
Specifications for the Aperture Photometry Package, Lindsey Davis, revised October 1987.
A User's Guide to the IRAF APPHOT Package, Lindsey Davis, revised May 1989.
A Reference Guide to the IRAF/DAOPHOT Package, Lindsey E. Davis, January 1994.
Future Development of the Daophot Crowded-Field Photometry Package, Peter Stetson, Lindesey Davis, Dennis Crabtree, February 1987.
A User's Guide to CCD Reductions with IRAF, Philip Massey, February 1997.
A User's Guide to Reducing Slit Spectra with IRAF, Phil Massey, Frank Valdes, Jeannette Barnes, April 1992.
A User's Guide to Reducing Echelle Spectra With IRAF, Daryl Willmarth and Jeannette Barnes, May 1994.
Guide to the Multifiber Reduction Task DOFIBERS, Francisco Valdes, July 1995.
Guide to the HYDRA Reduction Task DOHYDRA, Francisco Valdes, July 1995.
Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOSLIT, Francisco Valdes, February 1993.
Guide to the Slit Spectra Reduction Task DOECSLIT, Francisco Valdes, February 1993.
The IRAF APEXTRACT Package, Francisco Valdes, July 1990.
The IRAF APEXTRACT Package - v2.10, Francisco Valdes, September 1990.
The IRAF APEXTRACT Package - v3.0, Francisco Valdes, May 1992.
Iraf Reduction Of Coude CCD Data, Daryl Willmarth, February, 1990.
The IRAF/NOAO Spectral World Coordinate Systems, Francisco Valdes, February 1990.
Guide to the Coude Three Fiber Reduction Task DO3FIBER, Francisco Valdes, April 1992.
Guide to the IRAF GOLDCAM Reduction Task DOGOLDCAM, Francisco Valdes, September 1990.
General Image Processing
Rectifying and Registering Images Using IRAF, Lisa A. Wells, April 1994.
Cleaning Images of Bad Pixels and Cosmic Rays Using IRAF, Lisa A. Wells and David J. Bell, September 1994.
User’s Guide to the CCDRED Package, Francisco Valdes, February 1987 (Revised March 1988).
The IRAF CCD Reduction Package (CCDRED), Francisco Valdes, September 1987.
A Reference Guide for the IRAF Client Display Library (CDL), Michael Fitzpatrick, February 1997 (Revised March 1998).
Comparison of Full Format and Spectroscopic CCD Formats. (Figure)
Guide to the ARGUS Reduction Task DOARGUS, Francisco Valdes, April 1992.
Guide to the Fiber Optic Echelle Reduction Task DOFOE, Francisco Valdes, April 1992.
Guide to the NESSIE Reduction Task DONESSIES, Francisco Valdes, September 1990.
Decstation Ultrix/IRAF Installation Guide, Doug Tody, June 1989.
An Overview of the IRAF DTOI Package, Suzanne Jacoby, February 1987 (Revised July 1988).
HPUX/IRAF Installation Guide, Steve Rooke, Doug Tody, Mike Fitzpatrick, June 1989 (Revised June 1993).
Radial Velocity Measurements with IDENTIFY, Francisco Valdes, August 1986 (Revised August 1990).
The IRAF Image I/O Interface, Doug Tody, November 1983.
The IRAF Image I/O Interface New Release, Doug Tody, May 1985.
IRAF in the Nineties, Doug Tody, February 1992.
Reduction of long slit spectra with IRAF, Francisco Valdes, March 1986.
MEM Package for Image Restoration in IRAF, Nailong Wu, October, 1992.
Some Notes on the ONEDSPEC Package, George Jacoby, June 1985.
ONEDSPEC/IMRED Package Revisions Summary: IRAF Version 2.10, Francisco Valdes, May 1992.
ONEDSPEC Package Revisions Summary: IRAF Version 2.10 , Francisco Valdes, May 1990.
A Quantitative Study of Optimal Extraction, Francisco Valdes, February 1990.
Named External Parameter Sets in the CL, Doug Tody, 1986.
Psfmeasure/Starfocus: IRAF PSF Measuring Tasks, Francisco Valdes, February 1990.
An SPP/VOS Quick Reference Card
The IRAF Simple Graphics Interface (SGI), Doug Tody, August 1986.
A User's Guide to Multislit Spectroscopic Reductions with IRAF, E. Ellingson, November 1989.
SPECFOCUS: An IRAF Task for Focusing Spectrographs, Francisco Valdes, February 1990.
Guide to the CTIO Slit Spectra Reduction Task SPECPROC, Francisco Valdes, September 1990.
Pattern and Transient Removal Algoritms, Francisco Valdes, February 1990.
IRAF Standards and Conventions, Elwood Downey, George Jacoby, Vesa Junkkarinen, Steve Ridgway, Paul Schmidtke, Charles Slaughter, Douglas Tody, Francisco Valdes, August 1983.
IRAF is in part provided by the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) at NSF NOIRLab, the national center for ground-based nighttime astronomy in the United States operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Science Foundation.